Thursday, 16 February 2012


A bath seems like a simple thing to have. It runs for a few minutes and then you have hours of stress free relaxation time. That is unless it is your first post-op bath which happens to occur after physio. The first barrier to bathing is the type of bath you have, no handles equals no bath so challenge number one is walking around the corner to my parents house where a suitable bath is waiting.

Having found a suitable bath there is then the challenge of getting into the tub (because my bath board is at my house rather than my parents house... One this was conquered it was time to attempt sitting down, not as easy as it sounds when you have half a working knee left! however once in the bath it was very nice, well for the two minutes until it was time to start hydro (basically doing my physio in the bath so I could pretend it hurt less) so after an hour of testing the limits of my knee it was time to get back out.

Now this was he part I had been dreading all along. in order to get out of the bath you somehow have to get one foot (the one belonging to the half working knee) under your body and standing from a one legged squat (if you think this doesn't sound too bad bear in mind my good knee is roughly 80years old).

So there you go, the post-op bath experience is nothing at all like the traditional relaxing bath, on the bright side I'm going back tomorrow and am determined to relax this time, it'll be easier to do knowing that it is actually possible to get out of the bath!

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