So it will be two weeks tomorrow. Usually this would be around the time that things are beginning to feel normalish again. Unfortunately this time I have been caught up in the set-back referred to yesterday which is actually a wound infection. At least now I know why I feel sore and generally crappy and now that I have my giant blue bullet antibiotics I will be back up and running in no time!
The plan to try to wangle a range on movement brace to replace the full leg monstrosity currently holding me hostage is still on and frankly after wrangling the receptionist at the doctors today I think I have a pretty good shot! The thing with my surgery is that you can absolutely see a doctor the same day you realise something is horribly wrong with you, oh but you have to let them know between 8:30 and 9am...
So at roughly (and I mean roughly, my sense of time is rather messed up at the moment) 1pm when I rang to say that I needed to see a doctor urgently and no I couldn't get to the surgery I was met with the typical "well you should really have let us know first thing this morning". Pointing out that at 8:30 this morning there was no thick yellow liquid squirting out from under my surgical dressing was not met with much sympathy. Similarly my insistence that I couldn't get to the surgery due to an open wound, that was bleeding and spewing a yellow liquid from a white puss-y area surrounded by a distinctly green hardened substance, for which I had no dressing and therefore could not close my brace without risking opening the entire wound and therefore could not stand up let alone leave the flat, was met with derision. After a 10 minute 'conversation' which quickly reduced me to tears (not a difficult feat seeing as my instant reaction to the green tinted monstrosity that should have been my knee was to panic then cry) the receptionist resentfully agreed that she would "attempt to contact the duty doctor to see she could fit me in".
Imagine my surprise when 20 minutes later my own GP arrived with his briefcase to take a look at it himself. I guess being a frequent flyer who happens to not like doctors does have an advantage! Anyway the end result was a course of strong antibiotics and a set of dressings to get me through to the wound check on the 6th. (I am assured that acquiring said dressings came with its own set of problems and headaches) In the meantime Dr Mummy came to the rescue with her extensive first aid kit with which she quickly (and almost painlessly-I was very impressed) cleaned up the yucky mess made by the puss and replaced the steri-strips which had burst open due to the earlier explosions of yellow disgustingness.
So there we have it, the beginning of week 3 post-op has not been ideal, in fact I'm feeling pretty damn awful but thanks to a few amazing people I am fixed up, drugged up and supplied with chocolate. What more could you need to turn the week around and get back on track. I will be looking forward to feeling a lot better very very soon and in the meantime I am relieved that my willingness to sit quietly in bed is due to illness rather than some horrific surgical side effect that removed my need for constant stimulation and almost constant movement!
Tomorrow is a new day and it'll be a better day (and if it isn't I've been assured that it will only last for 24 hours then I get another go!). So I storing up my spoons and getting ready to take on the world-or at least the surgeons at the fracture clinic, monster brace has got to go!!!
No picture is included of my knee this week because frankly I was too busy being scared of it to remember to take a picture!
The plan to try to wangle a range on movement brace to replace the full leg monstrosity currently holding me hostage is still on and frankly after wrangling the receptionist at the doctors today I think I have a pretty good shot! The thing with my surgery is that you can absolutely see a doctor the same day you realise something is horribly wrong with you, oh but you have to let them know between 8:30 and 9am...
So at roughly (and I mean roughly, my sense of time is rather messed up at the moment) 1pm when I rang to say that I needed to see a doctor urgently and no I couldn't get to the surgery I was met with the typical "well you should really have let us know first thing this morning". Pointing out that at 8:30 this morning there was no thick yellow liquid squirting out from under my surgical dressing was not met with much sympathy. Similarly my insistence that I couldn't get to the surgery due to an open wound, that was bleeding and spewing a yellow liquid from a white puss-y area surrounded by a distinctly green hardened substance, for which I had no dressing and therefore could not close my brace without risking opening the entire wound and therefore could not stand up let alone leave the flat, was met with derision. After a 10 minute 'conversation' which quickly reduced me to tears (not a difficult feat seeing as my instant reaction to the green tinted monstrosity that should have been my knee was to panic then cry) the receptionist resentfully agreed that she would "attempt to contact the duty doctor to see she could fit me in".
Imagine my surprise when 20 minutes later my own GP arrived with his briefcase to take a look at it himself. I guess being a frequent flyer who happens to not like doctors does have an advantage! Anyway the end result was a course of strong antibiotics and a set of dressings to get me through to the wound check on the 6th. (I am assured that acquiring said dressings came with its own set of problems and headaches) In the meantime Dr Mummy came to the rescue with her extensive first aid kit with which she quickly (and almost painlessly-I was very impressed) cleaned up the yucky mess made by the puss and replaced the steri-strips which had burst open due to the earlier explosions of yellow disgustingness.
So there we have it, the beginning of week 3 post-op has not been ideal, in fact I'm feeling pretty damn awful but thanks to a few amazing people I am fixed up, drugged up and supplied with chocolate. What more could you need to turn the week around and get back on track. I will be looking forward to feeling a lot better very very soon and in the meantime I am relieved that my willingness to sit quietly in bed is due to illness rather than some horrific surgical side effect that removed my need for constant stimulation and almost constant movement!
Tomorrow is a new day and it'll be a better day (and if it isn't I've been assured that it will only last for 24 hours then I get another go!). So I storing up my spoons and getting ready to take on the world-or at least the surgeons at the fracture clinic, monster brace has got to go!!!
No picture is included of my knee this week because frankly I was too busy being scared of it to remember to take a picture!
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