“Life is scary, get used to it, there are no magical fixes it’s up to you”
“But what if it’s too hard?”
“Nothing in this life that is worth having comes easy”
“But what if it’s too hard?”
“Nothing in this life that is worth having comes easy”
I was sitting trying to figure out what to write and from the TV that I had on for background noise I hear this conversation (why is that comedy shows have an uncanny habit of hitting nerves a lot more often than they should-stick to the funny stuff!!!).
Yesterday was my least favourite post-op day, it was the day that it seems like all the anaesthetic crap was finally being flushed out and my brain chemistry was fighting to get itself balanced again leaving me feeling miserable and overly sensitive. I was expecting it to happen at some point, it always does but even though I know what it is and that it won’t last long it is just a horrible day and there are very few things that can make it feel any better. But here we are a day later and all is back to normal.
I get that there are no magic fixes and nothing that is worth having comes easy but sometimes it would be nice.
But enough dwelling... What is with the snow?! Does it not realise Christmas has been and gone and we are heading towards the end of winter?! I’m fairly sure snow was not on the agenda, how on earth am I supposed to go outside in the snow with a full leg brace? I’ll shuffle and inch and be back in hospital!!! Ah well at least it’s pretty, I just kinda wish it was last week when the whole infected incision feeling like death think made me quite happy to stay in bed rather than after the Vesuvius-esq second eruption of last night! Again on the bright side at least my leg seems to have given up on spewing various unpleasantly coloured and painful liquids and settled down.
Anyway, I still can’t think of much to write so I guess that’s it, if anyone needs me I’ll be sitting with my leg on a pile of cushions in the hopes that my foot gives up on its balloon impression!
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