Wednesday, 18 January 2012

Late Night Jitters

With surgery getting closer and closer I am oddly (or not) unable to sleep which is very annoying as i stayed awake all day regardless of my lack of spoons in the hopes that sleeping would actually happen tonight. i think the biggest problem is i don't have a project i can work on until i get really tired. past projects have included building a scale house (with real miniature bricks and mortar complete with opening windows and doors) unfortunately this project was doomed from the start as i was doing it one handed while waiting for shoulder surgery! Finishing an essay ready for submission straight after surgery, memorising case law for an upcoming exam, building mechano and other random but thought consuming projects. ideally i would be in the middle of my latest (and top secret) woodworking project but couldn't afford to get the wood until payday (ironically Friday when I'll be in hospital and incapable of ordering it-thank goodness for amazing (and trustworthy) friends who will order it for me ready to start work asap after surgery (it is somewhat time sensitive!).

Ah well, even without a project it'll all be ok, I guess I'm really just writing this for something to do. the odd thing is I'm actually not that nervous now, just restless and jittery. But there you go, whats on my mind the night before major surgery is the excitement of a top secret project which will test my skill but also make someone very happy (I hope). How weird is that?

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